The Balance Method

 The balance method uses channel theory, which historically also had been used as the diagnostic tool for acupuncture treatment. This treatment is a compilation of Dr. Tan’s simple and effective methods and will become your favorite reference for Acupuncture use in your clinical setting. Providing clear guidance in the application of the “Balance Method” for common clinical complaints, both new and seasoned practitioners of the Balance Method will achieve instant results by following the basic steps outlined in this online class.

With this method, pain stands for any kind of symptom: pain, weakness, tingling, numbness, itchiness, heat, or cold. Although it is often used for muscular and joint pain it can also very effectively deal with internal conditions such as digestive and menstrual disorders, respiratory problems, and neurological diseases.

It gives more treatment options as there are a number of channels we can use to balance the area affected. We also ask the patient to move the painful body part to see if it eases during treatment and so get immediate feedback.

This method seldom places needles in areas of discomfort or pain. For example, shoulder pain may be alleviated in the hips or within particular areas of the ankle, rather than the shoulder. Within minutes the pain can subside and the aggravated area has less chance of causing discomfort. Think of treating an aggravated area like switching on a light bulb. The switch is far away from the bulb, maybe in the corner of the room or even on the ceiling. Once the switch is on, it creates a flow of electricity towards the light bulb. In a similar fashion, having needles placed into the hip can stimulate the flow of energy to the shoulder. To know which areas of the body should be chosen Register yourself 

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About  Dr. Richard Tan 

 Born in Taiwan, Dr. Tan was a master of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Philosophy, Martial arts and holds a Master’s degree in Systems Engineering. His contribution to acupuncture was incredible. In combination with Dr. Chao Chen, who created the foundation for the Balance Method through his research of classical Chinese texts, Dr. Tan popularised and brought the Balance Method to the world. Dr. Tan emphasized that Chinese acupuncture should give instant results, hence he enormously contributed to a method that does just that.


The method is a combination of intense study of ancient Chinese literature, experiential acupuncture practice, and modern scientific analysis. Dr. Tan had committed more than 25 years of teaching his method all over the world. He lived in San Diego USA, where he treated over 120 patients every seven days.

It deeply saddens to announce the passing of Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan. Dr. Tan touched the lives of countless people in immeasurable ways.

Dr. Tan’s wish is that the Balance Method lives on well beyond his death. 

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